On March 3, Governor-General Sir Patrick Allen installed the Most Honourable Andrew Holness as Prime Minister of Jamaica in accordance with Section 70 and subsection 1 of the Constitution of Jamaica. Sir Patrick Allen completed the process of installing the new government led by Mr. Holness with the swearing-in of Cabinet Ministers and the Attorney General at King’s House on March 7.
Speaking at the installation ceremony for Prime Minister Holness, the Governor-General addressed the importance of decisive leadership, consensus building and strong partnerships as the new government prepares to carry out the mandate it has received. “Existing and predicted economic and social challenges will require of a new Prime Minister strong and decisive leadership. The style of leadership that can motivate partnerships at the local level and in the regional and international arena, as well as understand what must be done, given the times that we are living in,” Sir Patrick Allen stated.
Noting that both the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition are from neighbouring constituencies, the Governor-General urged them to collaborate in order to achieve great things for Jamaica. “This is what the country is requesting of their leaders as they, on election and nomination days, danced in the streets together, from different parties, only to go back home and resume their lives.”
In addressing Cabinet Ministers prior to them taking their Oaths, the Governor-General offered his best wishes and prayers as they embark on what he referred to as “an epic journey of impressive proportion.” He noted that Jamaicans are expecting a government that will work for them and serve them well. “You may have to climb out of the proverbial box sometimes and do creative things to show that you care and that you understand those expectations,” he said.
As the new government took office, Sir Patrick Allen congratulated Prime Minister Holness and also expressed thanks to outgoing Prime Minister the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller, for her stewardship of Jamaica over what he referred to as “the last four difficult years.”