Governor-General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Dr. Patrick Allen
Addressing a reception, held in his honour by the Portland Lay Magistrates Association at the Folly playing field in Port Antonio on May 28, the Governor-General recalled the days when love and respect for each other, humility, self discipline and good manners were commonplace in the various communities of the country, with adults playing their part to ensure that children were brought up in the correct way.
Dr. Allen paid tribute to the many community organisations which are making a special effort to rid the country of bad influences and inculcate the right attitude in the minds of young Jamaicans.
He also encouraged the young people of the country to always aspire to achieve excellence and remain positively focussed.
Citing himself as an example of someone who has been able to achieve success by remaining focussed, despite the various challenges he experienced while growing up, Dr. Allen asserted that today’s youths have numerous opportunities to be successful if they keep themselves similarly focussed. He added that in their pursuit for success, young people should always endeavour to make the right choices and avoid relying on good luck to take them through life.
Thanking members of the Portland Lay Magistrates Association for the appreciation they have displayed to his wife and himself, the Governor-General said he felt a special privilege to be recognised by the parish of his birth and expressed gratitude to the community of Fruitful Vale for the nurturing it gave to him during his formative years.
A citation recognising the achievements of Dr. Allen was read by Sybil Rendle, a member of the Portland Lay Magistrates Association.
Other speakers paying tribute to the Governor-General included Custos of Portland, Hon. Roy Thompson; His Worship the Mayor of Port Antonio, Councillor Floyd Patterson and Member of Parliament for Eastern Portland, Dr. Donald Rhodd.