Governor-General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen addressing a civic ceremony, held at St. Gabriel’s Anglican Church in May Pen on July 16. Looking on (from second left) are: Her Excellency the Most Hon. Lady Allen; Custos of Clarendon, Hon. James deRoux; and His Worship the Mayor of May Pen, Councillor Milton Brown.
“This is the time to hold hands and re-develop community associations and build back the vibrant spirit that once characterised our rural communities,” the Governor- General stated at a civic ceremony held on July 16 at the St. Gabriel’s Anglican Church Hall in May Pen, Clarendon.
He said Jamaicans were characterised by their resilient and vibrant spirit, and they should seek, through community collaborations, to rebuild the country and “rid the nation of the various social ills, which threaten to destroy us as a people.”
The Governor-General said that pivotal to creating the magnitude of change necessary, was the restoration of family life and family values.
“We must start where it all begins, with the home, and reinstate the family as a leading agent of primary socialisation. The family is the first school we have, and it is the cradle of civilisation. The family unit must be used to promote positive values and attitudes and inculcate those fundamental morals and principles that form the basis of any society that seeks to grow and develop,” he emphasised.
He further stressed the need for all Jamaicans to recognise the crucial role they must play in perpetuating the sense of hope, and fixity of purpose, on which the fate of a people, was so intimately intertwined.
“We must keep the message of hope alive. I believe that every Jamaican can make a contribution to national development, and I invite everyone to come on board. Together, we can motivate each other to believe that they can achieve,” he stated.
The Governor General’s stop in Clarendon was part of his island wide familiarisation tour and to promote his ‘I Believe’ campaign, which is aimed at instilling the message of hope in every Jamaican.
While in Clarendon, he toured the newly constructed multi-purpose library and resource centre at the Glenmuir High School, along with the bauxite producing facilities at Jamalco.