The Governor-General’s Secretary (GGS) & Clerk to the Privy Council is the chief administrator and Accounting Officer. The GGS provides strategic direction through leadership and executive oversight while also representing the Office through written communications, meetings, and other occasions as directed by The Governor-General. The GGS manages all correspondence and matters related to the Privy Council of Jamaica.
Deputy Governor-General’s Secretary (Corporate)
The Deputy Governor-General’s Secretary (Corporate) manages the Corporate Services activities which include Finance & Accounts, Property Administration, Records and Information Management, Procurement, Information Technology, Inventory Management and Transportation Management.
Deputy Governor-General’s Secretary (Private)
The Deputy Governor-General’s Secretary (Private) oversees the operation of the Private Establishment and supports The Governor-General in carrying out social duties and community activities. Areas of responsibility include Events Management, the upkeep of King’s House, and maintenance of the grounds. The Officer also oversees the Secretariat of The Governor-General’s Programme for Excellence (GGPE).
Aide-de-Camp (ADC) to The Governor-General
The Aide-de-Camp is a military officer (Major) assigned by the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) of the Jamaica Defence Force to assist The Governor-General in all matters pertaining to the execution of his/her roles.