January 8, 2024
Governor-General swears-in Judges for the Hilary Term
King’s House, Jamaica– Governor-General Sir Patrick Allen today swore in twelve judges.
The Judges have been appointed to the Supreme and Appeals Courts for the Hillary Term. “You are the standard-bearers of justice, and your actions should inspire trust and confidence in our legal system”, he said.
His Excellency, encouraged the judiciary to look beyond their titles and recognise that they have been handed a sacred trust from the people which demands fairness and impartiality.
The Governor-General noted that ascension to these positions comes with great responsibility and that the decisions taken by our courts have a profound impact on the lives of individuals and families.
The Honourable Justice Patrick Brooks, President of the Court of Appeal in his remarks reminded the judges that though the job at times is challenging, that collegiality on the job is essential. He added that we have come a long way in the development of our courts system and that there is an earnest drive for the availability of e-cases as we seek to further modernize operations of our courts.
The Honourable Justice Bryan Sykes, Chief Justice shared that these appointments are timely, as we continue the drive of minimizing the backlog of cases in the courts system. He also spoke on the crisis we currently face of persons not taking up juror duties, which contributes significantly to the backlog.
“You are guardians of our Constitution and the rights it guarantees to every citizen. As you embark on this solemn journey, remember that the administration of justice demands wisdom, patience, and above all, a deep sense of humanity,” His Excellency delivering the charge to the judges.
The judges sworn were:
Acting Judges of Appeal
- The Honourable Mrs. Justice Georgiana Fraser
- The Honourable Mrs. Justice Lorna Shelly-Williams
- Puisne Judges
- Her Honour Mrs. Sandria Wong-Small
- His Honour Mr. Dale Staple
Acting Puisne Judges:
- Mrs. Sharon Millwood Moore
- Master Pamela Mason
- Master Stephany Orr
- Her Honour Miss Opal Smith
- Her Honour Mrs. Tracey-Ann Johnson
- Miss Tamara Dickens
Acting Masters-in-Chambers
- Her Honour Mrs. Luciana Jackson
- Her Honour Miss Christine McNeil
In her response on behalf of the newly-sworn Judges, the Hon Justice Georgiana Fraser expressed their gratitude and encouraged her colleagues to continue their hard work in the interest of the Jamaican people.
This Swearing-in Ceremony represents the first group of Judges to be appointed to the Judiciary for the Hilary Term.