Governor-General, His Excellency, the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen (left) is greeted by founder of Power of Faith Ministries in Portmore, St. Catherine, Bishop Dr. Delford Davis, when he arrived for the Ministry’s national prayer gathering held at the National Arena on Wednesday, January 6.
“Let us brighten the future with past blessings…take the blessings of the past year into the New Year and stop being pessimistic, stop being downcast, stop being fearful and fretful, because (God) will take care of you,” he said in his address at a national prayer gathering held today (January 6) at the National Arena in Kingston.
He noted that despite the forebodings, hardships, and predictions, 2009 had “tremendous blessings” as there were no hurricanes or earthquakes and despite the fact that times are hard, there was food to eat.
The Governor-General also implored persons to be more loving towards each other, noting that so many people are depressed, despondent and just need somebody to encourage them.
“We have to help somebody, encourage somebody, share with somebody, care for somebody, be a good neighbour to somebody,” he said.
Staged by The Power of Faith Ministries of Portmore, the prayer gathering, dubbed ‘Heal the Family – Heal the Nation’, was held under the theme: ‘This is the Turning Point’.
The Governor-General went on to praise the work of the Ministry and its leader, Bishop Dr. Delford Davis, and noted his appreciation of the fact that heads of churches and umbrella groups were united in the cause to heal the nation.
“This unity, which is being shown here in the church, must be modelled to the rest of the nation, because we play a very significant role, and the nation is looking to the church for this type of leadership. When the church is united, the nation will also be united, because we are connected with the nation in every nook and cranny,” he said.