Governor-General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Professor Sir Kenneth Hall (at podium), addresses diplomats, officials, and guests at the Diplomatic Corps dinner, held at King’s House on January 29, which formed part of activities marking Diplomatic Week, from January 26 to 30.
“We are proud of our strong tradition in diplomacy and intend to continue to use this important tool in achieving our national and international objectives,” Sir Kenneth Hall told the annual dinner for the Diplomatic Corps at King’s House, on January 29.
The dinner formed part of the 11th annual diplomatic week celebrations, January 26- 30.
The Governor-General noted that the week served to create an opportunity for closer co-operation and dialogue between the diplomatic corps and governmental bodies, which aid in the implementation of national development goals and foreign policy objectives.
He lauded the 88 Heads of Mission currently accredited to Jamaica, of whom 60 are non-residents and 28 are resident in the island.
His Excellency also pointed out that since January, seven resident High Commissioners and Ambassadors were accredited and new Heads of Mission appointed for the United States, Geneva, China, Nigeria, Venezuela, South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago, Japan and Cuba.
“I am grateful for your contribution to our national development, and I encourage you to maintain your ties with our people and country long after your tours of duty end,” he told the diplomats.
The week of dialogue, social events and meetings, served to make diplomats aware of the domestic issues that drive foreign policy, the activities of the Foreign Affairs Ministry, the work of their colleagues and how they impact on the welfare and the well-being of Jamaicans.