Governor-General the Most Honourable Sir Patrick Allen has commended the Ministry of Justice and its partners for spearheading the massive training and recruitment of Justices of the Peace (JPs) as a critical component in Jamaica’s Justice Reform Process.

Speaking at the launch for the island wide training session at the Jamaica Conference Centre this morning (Thursday, February 2, 2017), His Excellency stated that the exercise will enhance the JPs respectability to undertake greater responsibility in the chain of Jamaica’s justice reform.
“I believe that the confidence in our JPs is well placed. Of course, it is clear that the process in which we are engaged is aimed at reforming the structures and the operations of our justice system,” Sir Patrick Allen stated.
The Governor General further asserted that owing to the JPs closeness to the people in their communities, they can serve as trusted and respected change agents who will empower citizens and help influence the social transformation that the nation is anticipating.
His Excellency stated that much is expected of the Justices of the Peace especially as they serve in the Petty Sessions Courts and give leadership to Restorative Justice initiatives.
Meanwhile, the Honourable Delroy Chuck, Justice Minister asserted that under the training programme, slated for the next 3-4 years, the roles and functions of the Justices of the Peace will be expanded, especially as the Justice model shifts from retributive to restorative. The training programme is being sponsored to the tune of € 22 Million.
Justices of the Peace serve as mediators and peace keepers in local communities, reporting to their respective Custos who represents The Governor-General at the parish level.
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