Members of the Jamaica Combined Cadet Force stand at attention and salute the National Flag after hoisting it at the Independence Day Ceremony on August 6.
Annually, in a special Flag Raising Ceremony on the anniversary of her Independence- Jamaica’s flag is unfurled with the same pride and nationalism as it was in 1962. Owing to the Covid-19 restrictions, the observance of Jamaica 59: “Come Mek Wi Celebrate online”, was smaller than previous occasions but the reverence of the occasion remained unparalleled.
The brief ceremony, staged at Statue Park, was held under the auspices of Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, The Honourable. Olivia Grange, CD, MP whose activities included the recital of the National Pledge by Miss Festival Queen Champion, Dr. Dominic Reid and music by the Jamaica Military Band.
As members of the Jamaica Combined Cadet Force hoisted the iconic Black, Green and Gold amid the playing Anthem, those in attendance were reminded of its symbolism- the sun shineth, the land is green and the people are strong and creative. Designed by the Jamaican House of Representatives and styled in the ‘Admiralty Pattern’, the National Flag holds the distinction of bearing no white, red or blue.

Among the other dignitaries observing the proceedings where (from 2nd L-R) Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, Acting Chief of Defence Staff, Brigadier Roderick Williams, President of the Senate, the Hon. Tom Tavares-Finson and Chief Justice, the Hon. Bryan Sykes.