The welcomed downpour of rain did not deter the Presentation of new Colours to the Second Battalion The Jamaica Regiment (2 JR) by His Excellency the Most Honourable Sir Patrick Allen on Thursday, July 31, 2014 at Up Park Camp.
The Governor-General told the 2 JR Officers that, although the Colours would be trooped only on ceremonial occasions, they should never underestimate the important role they must play in the battle for peace and prosperity of Jamaica.
“The battle for which the Officers and Men of the Jamaica Defence Force are called to fight are of a different nature, but of no less significance for the protection of our nation”, said The Governor-General.
He said that he has seen evidence of the prowess of the “Maroon Machine” and commended the Commanders of the JDF and supporting members for the team work and camaraderie which 2JR has consistently demonstrated in sporting and other activities.
His Excellency encouraged the Officers, Men and Women of 2JR on receiving their new Colours “to remain committed to your Motto: ‘Strive to Achieve, never to yield’ “.
Zaproxy dolore alias impedit expedita quisquam.